When we come together to worship, our focus and attention is on Jesus Christ. Every aspect of the worship service points you to Jesus. From the song selection of time-honored hymns and the latest contemporary worship songs, to giving of our tithes and offerings, and to the preaching of the Word, we want you to see Jesus.
We are a family united to sharing God's story. Our desire is for every person in Princeton and beyond to hear the Gospel and become believers in Jesus Christ.
We have hope and life in Jesus Christ, and this is the message we want to proclaim.
As a church, we look for ways to impact the Princeton community. We support our local food pantry and host our community clothes closet.
We are also involved with community events such as the National Day of Prayer Gala, July Spectacular, and Princeton Onion Festival. You never know when you might run into one of our members in the community.
As the DFW-Metroplex continues to grow, families are looking for places to live with a short commute to Frisco, Plano, or Dallas. Princeton is rapidly growing and serving many looking for a place to call home. Whether you live in McKinney, Allen, or Greenville, come check us out.
The Bible tells us that Jesus serves as our mediator between God because God is holy and we are sinful. Jesus is the bridge to God and to Heaven if we believe in His death, burial, and resurrection. We must turn from our sins and follow Jesus in order to be saved.